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In shock, deacon's phone had fallen to the ground and lay there while he just stood their transfixed to the spot. He was supposed to be relieved by the news that Doyin wasn't pregnant but he wasn't sure relief was what he felt.

'Deacon Cooker!' A voice snapped him out of his psychological stupor. 'We are still waiting...'

'I'm sorry,  I will be in shortly.' Deacon responded.

'Make that as short as the way, your phone is vibrating on the floor.' The man added and turned to leave. As the man went in, deacon picked up the phone.

'Hello deacon, what happened? The line broke off from your en...'

'Doc! What did you just say?'

'Uh...If it's about Doyin, I said she's not pregnant!'

'How is that possible? Her mom said she's not had her monthly period in the past months...she's got to be pregnant, check again!' deacon sounded desperate.

'We already confirmed that. She is not pregnant. The thing is, she coincidentally had Amenorrhea at the time when they gave her a pregnant woman's test results. A missed period,medically called Amenorrhea doesn't always signifies pregnancy. Other factors could be responsible like stress,sickness, medications,excessive exercise etc. Hers was stress.' Dr. Odili ended cautiously.

'Ok. Thank you doc. I'll be at the hospital this evening or tomorrow.' Deacon ended the call.

How would he justify his rage now? All his condescending actions against a young man, suddenly seemed childish. He had been more interested in a personal vendetta against Tosin than in maintaining integrity. He was loosing touch.


Chimezie's apartment. 3:23 am.

Suddenly, he woke up with a violent jerk, sweating profusely. It had been a dream. The night before, he was burdened by Tosin, his friend, whom he had abandoned, in order not to appear wayward to observers. He felt guilty, and resorted to prayers as a medium to overturn the guilt. He spent a few hours praying, the feeling hadn't lifted then he fell asleep.

He had had an omnious dream, at it's end a bible passage was revealed to him. The Scripture he was given in the dream was, Matthew 25:43. He sat up on his bed to catch his breath, thank God it was a dream, he thought. "Matthew 25:43". He jumped down and picked up his Bible to search it out. '...I WAS IN PRISON YE VISITED ME NOT.'

The words hit his heart like a hammer. He wept. He sat up after praying, the desire to sleep had disappeared. He sat in bed, impatiently waiting for dawn to rush off to go see Tosin.


'It's a miracle that he's even able to move, to talk of talking...' Dr Odili broke the silence as he finished examining Olamide. Deacon was standing some distance from the bed.

'Uh...I have something to say.' It was Olamide. He spoke slowly as he made to get up, straining as he did.

'Hahahaha' Dr Odili laughed heartily. 'These young people and impatience. Now you can say much more later, now you need to rest.'

'No doctor, sir...' he pitched his torso against the wall as he sat on his bed. 'I have to speak now. Before more harm is done.'

No one else spoke. Deacon spoke less since the children began recovering. He just watched, his plain characteristic expressionless look on his face.

'I heard Doyin isn't really pregnant...'

'Now Ola, now is not the best time for this...' Dr Odili attempted to intermediate between father and son.

'Doctor!...sir, please.' He adjusted again on his bed and spoke slowly, but it was obvious, he was recovering fast. 'True, Doyin might have been guilty- in part, but we all owe her an apology...'

Deacon almost nodded in agreement, but said nothing.

'...and the young man, I heard you threw him in the cell?'

'Olamide, you're merely escaping death by the whiskers! That fellow nearly killed you...' Deacon shot back.

'Dad, uh...that's another thing, he didn't push me off, I missed my grip while trying to hold on to that railing. He even tried to catch me...'

Deacon was speechless.

'Look dad, I feel terrible about the life Doyin had lived, but she's changed from what everyone's been saying. Shouldn't we give her a break? That Tosin guy too, I think you're hitting too hard, everyone has made a mistake at some point. Dad, if God held us down and reminded us all of our sins and mistakes, no one would make progress...' he paused to catch his breath.

'I'm done listening to your sermon,' deacon said, 'when you start to pay your own bills, I'll sit and listen to you.'

Deacon was obviously upset when he walked out, but he didn't react as angrily as he usually would. Dr Odili attended Olamide.

As deacon got into his car, he broke down and cried. The words of Olamide had spoken only re-echoed the burden in his spirit.

'God, I'm so sorry...' His windows were wound up, no one could hear the broken sobs. 'I've let pride and bitterness rule me...'


'Pastor-Pastor! We go miss your preashin oh!' Tigaro said, feeling a bit awkward at saying the words. Hard men don't miss people.

'Yes, boy-joy, hope say you no go forget to visit us as your church members...? Micah put in. The other members of the cell laughed heartily.

Tosin turned and smiled at them as the officer locked back the cell. He was holding back tears and could only nod in response. The change that had taken place in most of the members of the cell. That Sunday when he was forced to sing and lead the cell members in songs, the power of God hit the cell at a point. Tigaro was the first to break down and began crying for no apparent reason, others soon began crying too. Strong, hardened men, shaking and weeping in that dirty cell. Some of the policemen were drawn to the cell. He then led them to acknowledge Christ Jesus as the risen son of God. The change was almost instant, Tigaro lost his crave for cigarettes and marijuana. Micah was quiet all through the events. But he was never the same again. The next week and half, he taught them Scriptures he knew. The men had come to greatly respect him.

'Oya Pastor, come this way.' The officer said ordinarily as he walked to the counter, leading Tosin. In the station's reception, Chimezie and Mrs Dolapo wear waiting. They both stood up as he came into the space.

'Oh my God!' Mrs Dolapo gasped, tears escaping from her eyes.

'Hello ma!' Tosin managed a greeting, a sad smile on his face.

'Hello Tosin.' Chimezie greeted. His words sounded strange in his own mouth too. They had grown up from childhood as best friends and rarely greeted each other formally. After the dream. He had visited Tosin and thereafter worked hard to get help. Tosin's church had provided the bail money and sent a delegation to meet with deacon Cooker before securing the release. The delegates had little difficulty convincing deacon.

The Holiness First Assembly, had given deacon Cooker, a six month suspension from active duty and participation in the church council. It provided him the needed opportunity for reflection. He was making many changes. So when the team came to visit, he welcomed them and quickly gave them his consent.

'Here, take your clothes!' Another policeman called out to Tosin.

He awkwardly put on the trousers first then the shirt. Mrs Dolapo led them out to her Jeep parked outside.


'What!' The voiced bellowed sharply from inside the office. 'After, all the embarrassment? Tell him I never want to see him near my office or church. Again!'

The secretary  came out into the reception with an embarrassed look on her face. There weren't too many people waiting to see Bishop Hanson. She knew Tosin and a few others had heard the Bishop but she tried to cushion the embarrassment for him.

'Bishop is sorry, he can't see you today Tosin. ' she flashed a quick plastic smile. 'He is, uhh...tied down by some important issues.' She added to try to validate the talk.

'Oh? That's okay.' Tosin stood up to leave, carrying along with the pretence.
Bishop's door swung open, and he came out. Tosin turned to greet him.

'Ah sir, you're...' Tosin was cut short.

'My friend! Don't let me see you around here ever again! You hear me?' The guests at the reception all froze in embarrassment, to see the Bishop flare up so bad. 'Did you know, you dragged me to the newspaper headlines with your scandal? Gerrout!'

'I'm so sorry sir for causing you such embarrassment...'

'Keep your sorry to yourself! To think I was trying to get you started in ministry. Let's see how far you will go now.' Then he turned to his secretary. 'I'm not seeing anyone else today, reschedule all appointments.' He walked into his office and banged the door.

Tosin turned and walked out without saying another word. The opportunity to minister internationally like Bishop had promised, wider prospects of working with bishop, his hopes, seemed dashed- that door had closed permanently, he knew so in his spirit.

'Father, I may not understand why everything seems to be working against me, but I am confident that you love me and have the best in store for me. Amen.'

Five months later. Doyin's birthday/ Cookers' Family Thanksgiving.

The Cookers residence was abuzz with people and loud Gospel music playing from speakers. There were three canopies set up in the compound with plastic tables and chairs around. There was a long serving table were different kinds of dishes were displayed. Somewhere near the center of the compound, a small stage was set up. Instrumentalists were playing an upbeat jazz tune. The atmosphere was merry.

Doyin sat in her room with Henrietta and Ala. They were the new friends she had made, for the past two and the half months, they were both believers and beautiful, cultured girls. She had learnt a lot from them about commitment in lifestyle to the Lord. They had been with her all day. Doyin's door swung open without knocking.

'Girls, let's go downstairs, the final segment of the Thanksgiving party is almost starting.' It was Mrs. Cooker, she was smiling radiantly at the girls.

'Mom, just give me a minute...let me fix my hair.'

'One minute? Is that possible with mirror in front of you, one minute will turn to thirty minutes. Don't keep us waiting oh. Alright, Etta and Ala, don't mind your mirror friend, come along, I need some help before we join others outside.' She called out to the girls, who join her promptly.

As Doyin looked at her reflection in the mirror, she paused to think of the radical turn around in her family. She had forgiven her dad and her brother. Her dad, deacon Cooker, had shown remarkable attitudinal changes for the better. Olamide had regained full use of his legs. The love had grown amongst them. They had too much to thank God for. Holding the party was deacon's idea- something they found hard to believe when he first said It. The lady staring back at her in the mirror wasn't the indecent, wayward, promiscuous and rebellious daughter, but a beautiful, confident, secure, godly lady. She dabbed her right cheek with her white handkerchief to mop up the tear that had rolled down her cheek.

'Doyin! You said one minute it's been three already!' She could hear her mom call from downstairs.

'I'm coming mom...'

Forty-five minutes later. Still at Deacon Cooker's residence.

As deacon walked up to the small platform, there were screams and rousing applause. The birthday/Thanksgiving party was almost over and deacon had been called up to speak. The members of Cookers' family sat at a special section, dressed in the same material; they didn't only look happy- they were happy. Dr Odili was also around and some other elders from their church.

'Friends and loved ones here gathered.' Deacon began. 'The past seven months have been the most trying in my family and also the educative. At least it was educative for me. If we keep hate and bitterness in our hearts, we are no better than the man locked up in kirikiri prison.'

A wave of laughter rolled through the crowd.

'I have learnt not to try to help God. To let love be the marking feature of my life as a Christian. Though hard, I've learnt and I'm still learning, not to judge people by their mistakes, flaws and weakest moments. Now, men will never forget your mistakes, but if you erred in the past, get up, dust yourself, obtain mercy and keep running your race. Let your confidence come, from God's great grace and love for you.'

Another round of applause followed the pause.

'Without pride, today and now, I publicly apologize to my family, friends and any one who in my bitterness or judgemental attitude, I have hurt, forgive me.'

More applause.

'Finally, to my dear daughter, I and my wife have a surprise for you. We know of your great love for Jesus and music, this is not your gift oh, just a surprise.'

Then raising his voice in a rather awkward dramatic way, he announced. 'Ladies and gentlemen, a fast rising Gospel artiste, whose three singles have been such a major hit in the past two months that's it has topped the charts over and above secular artistes, make welcome Tosin Adedeji aka Toship!'

Tosin came out smiling, from a car with tinted glass were he had been all along. Doyin was standing with both hands over her mouth in surprise. Her dad actually settled his scores with Tosin? Once the young members of the audience caught sight of Tosin, their screaming could not be stopped. He went first to greet the members of the Cooker family, he hugged them one by one, Mrs Cooker, Olamide and then Doyin. Tears of gratitude streamed down her eyes as she held on.

'That's enough hugs for today.' Deacon said jokingly from the platform with the microphone. Everyone laughed. Tosin went up to deacon and was presenting two hands to shake him but deacon hugged him instead before handing him the microphone. More applause.

'Thank you people. To thank God with the Cooker family, I'll do a remix of Vessels Of God hit song, "Nara-ekele"'

The audience came alive with screams and whistlings. ***


Tosin became really good friends with the Cooker family. He went on to release more songs which were hits across the nation and eventually an album that went platinum. He was the first Gospel artiste to be signed on by a foreign music label and toured both at home and abroad.

Three years later. Doyin and Tosin were married in a beautiful ceremony that was attended my the high and mighty of society. Bishop Hanson felt honoured when he was given the opportunity to join the team of officiating ministers, though he didn't play any serious role.

Doyin went on to found an NGO, Rahab Missions, to reach out to promiscuous girls, drug addicts and teenage mothers. She met with so much success that the state government made her NGO an official partner of several state ministries; Women and youth affairs ministry prominent amongst others.


Dedicated to all those who have made terrible mistakes in life but . the Lord. God isn't through with us yet.


  1. At times things happen so badly in order for the good to be seen. dnt let those tring times overwhelm your faith and believe in God. they wouldn't have become better people with such a situation although not a pleasant one. Jst hold on to grace you found after your fall and how far God is goin to lead you.


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