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"Church has now becoming a lucrative business"

"Pastors are getting richer when most of their members are living in abject poverty"

Have you noticed that once a Pastor buys an expensive toothpaste, it straight way makes headline news!
The above two opening sentences are just two of the many expressions by which people voice their displeasure at the financial standing of many Pastors. It is a hot topic anytime, anyday. Once it is been discussed even the vilest of sinners gets self righteous and pick his 'casting stone.'

Is it right for a Pastor to have or receive a very expensive item? What about the poor people in their congregations-is it fair to them; the great disparity in financial lots? Does the church have responsibilities to it's environment, as in the poor, beggars, prisons, etc. If yes, what is it's obligatory boundaries beyond which they should NOT be called to account? If Jesus lived in this age, what would he do?

The questions are endless, the opinions vary greatly and abound. I have some thoughts on the matter, which I hope to communicate in this note.

Firstly, we must recognize who the authority is on the matter-God. A christian ought to know that the Bible is God's inspired word to us. So it settles for us in finality disputes such that our opinions submit to and align with it.

Those who ask 'What would Jesus do?', need not dwell on sentimental and denominational sentiments when we have his past actions to reference from- Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever-he doesn't change. If acted one way yesterday, he would do same today.

Thankfully, we have an instance in the Bible where the Lord Jesus was presented a VERY EXPENSIVE gift by Mary(a perfume worth a man's 1year salary)! Those present there disapproved (like they still do today) and even His own disciples were against the act by virtue of it's financial implications-they argued that it (the expensive gift) would have been better sold and given to the 'poor masses; they considered it an extravagant gesture.' Jesus did NOT agree, he accepted this costly gift and set up cue for an eternal memorial to Mary's sacrifice of love demonstrated in her gift to him.

This "poor masses" are present, even in the most wealthy countries in the world and have become a 'wild card' critics play when lobbying for sympathies. It's no surprise Jesus said "the poor you will ALWAYS HAVE with you." Hand outs and material aids while significant, can do just very little to change their plight-temporarily. So expect to see them even in the most 'tush' and wealthy churches. For one thing, both salvation and prosperity are very personal. Even a Pastor, if he goes against God's financial principles he will fall victim- don't tell me you don't know broke Pastors! There are rich and broke ministers just as much as there is rich and broke members of any other profession (for lack of a better word). If a church member has bad financial habits and keep sinking into poverty should the Pastor get broke to compensate for an 'unpersuadeable' member? People who complain and compare wealthy ministers and poor members usually forget that ALL the members aren't poor. It's just like churches and the issue of having genuine and false brethren-EVERY church does have fake christian. If you are shocked at this fact, then I am shocked at your naivety.

Pastors are workers or at least they should-they labor in the ministry with God (not everyone is doing so-your mind is already arguing the point-i agree.) God is a rich boss and Jesus told us about God's pay package in this life for all who forsake things (family, Land, etc) for the Gospel sake: they will receive 100 fold IN THIS LIFE(Mark 10:29-30). Please don't try to explain away that staggering promise because the persecution promised along with that enormous blessing is already being experienced daily.

God didn't send the church PRIMARILY to do charity work. Yes, we do charity (James 1:27) but the way people clamor for it, especially people outside the church, you would think scriptures say:
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because
He has anointed me to DASH MONEY TO
God who is wiser than you and loves the poor than you says in the scriptures talks about being "anointed to PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR!" (Luke 4:18) Why so? The gospel is all encompassing-it saves a man from hell and while working for the kingdom and waiting for heaven, it heals the body, binds the broken hearts and 'giveth thee power to get wealth!" (Deut.8:18) *you can jump here at this truth, if you are saved!*

This is NOT saying ALL believers are to end up Billionaires automatically, but if Jehovah is their shepherd- their needs, at WORST, ought to be met. This way, the believer can serve God and be of help to those in his sphere of contact.

I already have implied that I do not deny the existence of materialistic preachers-but just because there is fake cream out there, we don't abhor ALL creams. Materialism is NOT Prosperity and Prosperity is NOT materialism. Prosperity is also NOT JUST MONEY. By the way, you must understand that even among the people teaching fake doctrines, there are categories. A set of them are conscious of their falsehood and the other are sincerely misguided. So, as admonished by Apostle Paul, we gentle instruct in patience these ones, perhaps we might save some.

As for the church's responsibility to its society and environment, it certainly has SOME form of help to offer.

Firstly, the church is the pillar (upholder) and ground (foundation) of truth. In our ever twisting and depraved world, we as salts preserve good, righteousness and truth. This is our PRIMARY assignment as a body.

Also, the bible enjoins us to 'do good to others...' and to show love. Our love for God, whom we CAN NOT see can also be expressed in our kindness to those whom we see in and around us, our hence charitable works. There may be more, but these two ought to suffice.

Finally, let me mention three (3) reasons for christians to prosper. I do so, presenting them in my estimation of order of importance.

1. Our prosperity should help to 'establish His covenant' on the earth (Deut. 8:18). Note that by establishing God's covenant, the implication is to forward the gospel and I used SHOULD because a believer's wealth may do nothing for the Gospel.
2. A believers prosperity should benefit others and society. The bible encourages us to 'work so we can have to give to the needy (Eph.4:28). In fact, a believing man who is unwilling to help his family is counted as being worse than an infidel!
3. In the words of Keith Moore, "there doesn't have to be a great and spiritual kingdom reason for EVERYTHING we receive on earth-somethings God gives us SIMPLY because we enjoy it! " I agree with that because it agrees with the last scripture I shall quote:
"Charge them that are RICH in this
World (that means rich in stuff, don't
over spiritualize it-he didn't mean rich
in holiness) that they be not high
minded (proud) nor trust trust in(rely on)
uncertain riches, but in the living God
Who gives us all things richly TO ENJOY!"
1 Tim. 6:17
He gives us TO ENJOY- that's another one of the reasons why God is a good God. This is why folks who are trying to get Christians to apologize for being so blessed are on mission impossible. We who know, WON'T FEEL bad! Like our spiritual ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job,etc whom God richly blessed, making them rich in cattle and every livestock and good things of their day, we also are receiving our blessings now (in form of great ideas, good cars, nice houses, health etc) as we await the King.

I do not contend that one can be poor and yet go to heaven but that 'one' is not going to be me; it's too late because I discovered 2Cor.8:9 applies to me NOW!


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