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I'm lost....I'm lost
I'm locked up in a cocoon
far away from a priceless possession
distance and time together
as allies against my desire
now am afraid
afraid to hold on too tight
afraid to let you go
afraid that the flood of distance and time
might quench the glow that's between us
oh,how i long to see your face
to watch you smile and light up my world
to hear your voice

No, this must be insanity,madness
after this period ,after a while I'll be normal
every spare second of not working or doing something
is occupied by thoughts of you
am kind of feeling cheated and stupid
cos u might not feel the same way
but let me be brave
let me be the man
let the risk be mine
even though you might not be crazy about me as i am about you
I'll risk it.

oh wind of peace
cool,calm and caressing
go across the distance
across space and time
whisper peace and love to the sleeping angel of my blessing
showered on me from above
but beware oh wind
let the message i send be buried in you
so that when my madness subsides
or if my feeling is not reciprocated
I'll not be embarrassed or mocked
go now oh wind,go swiftly
and may whatever happens happen.

Written for Blessing Edem.
(sometimes in 2006)


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