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'Madam Cooker, stop that silly talk!' Another elderly man standing nearby rebuked her, 'the children are not dead or do you want to kill them yourself?'

'My enemies have woken up today ooohh!' She continued her lamentations unperturbed.

'Woman! Control yourself!' Reverend Moffat chided. 'They're unconscious not dead, lest your wailing confuse their spirits!'

She reduced her wailing but went on crying. The van carrying Olamide finally started, Mrs Cooker gingerly got up and joined the vehicle. They immediately drove out.

Things seemed to happen fast after that. As a few men began attending to Doyin, a crowd gathered attracting the attention of one of the Policemen posted for traffic control at the junction in front of the church gate. Deacon ran off to the part of the church compound where his car was packed to bring it to carry Doyin. She needed to be attended to in a hospital too, like her brother.

'Hey! Wetin dey happen here?' The policeman Asked coming in to the circle of those gathered. He stood over the men working on Doyin. He spoke to no one in particular; no one replied. Just then deacon returned with his car to carry Doyin.

'Una deaf? I say wetin dey happen here?' He repeated. Deacon immediately jumped at the opportunity.

'Yes please officer, this devil of a boy, tried to kill my son and succeeded in raping my daughter...' he said pointing to Tosin.

'What? Are you serious? Come you, young man. So you raped his daughter...Kai! you see the side effects of this too much oyibo films? You see am?'

'Ah Officer, are you asking him...? Just lock him up, I have a daughter to rush to the hospital. My son has been rushed off already.'

The officer looked confused for a while, he didn't want to take Tosin in just like deacon had suggested but the young man wasn't putting up much resistance by way of refuting the allegations against him or proclaiming his innocence, so he did.

'Oya, give me your hands' the policeman called out, as he slapped the handcuffs on. The crowd that had gathered began to disperse. Still dressed as when he ministered, with a drying blood cloth from his nose, Tosin is led towards the patrol car outside, where other policemen sat.

'Oga, today na Sunday, so come office tomorrow, Olu-Obaseki Station, come write your statement about this boy, you hear? Erh...and come with something oh!' The policeman concluded as he pushed Tosin ahead of him.

'Deacon...' Rev Moffat cleared his throat, gathering up courage to speak.

'Sorry Reverend, but I have to rush my daughter to the clinic now...' deacon got back in his car, frantically worked on fixing his seat belt, gearing to drive off.

'Deacon Cooker, by God, you will stop and hear me!' Rev Cooker raised his voice, his boldness shocking even himself. Himself? Shouting at the feared deacon Cooker?

Deacon paused like he too was stunned by the stern reprimand in Reverend's tone. He sat motionless, his key inside the car's ignition.

' have handled this matter badly and even embarrassed our revered guest, Bishop Hanson and this assembly by extension, by treating his guest that way. The council will meet on Friday to discuss this.'

Reverend concluded with disgust in his face, he adjusted his glasses on his eyes then walked away, towards the church office. Deacon watched him go for a while.

'Sir...sir, delay may worsen matters.' An unknown lady who had entered with Doyin at the back of the car said. she tended the unconscious Doyin. Deacon turned with a taut look on his face to look her over. She sensed his uncertainty.

'I'm a nurse and also a member of this church...' she added. Deacon murmured a thank you, turned on the car ignition and drove out in a fury.


Dr. Odili's Clinic. Monday, 2:03pm.

Deacon and Dr Odili walked out of Doyin's private ward and started towards Olamide's ward.

'Deacon, our relationship has grown from strictly professional to something more like a family, I won't lie to you. Things aren't looking so good for both Olamide, even if things change, he'll never be the same. For Doyin, a few tests and we could ascertain the damage and what to do. She might have some tangible hope of full recovery.'

Deacon only sighed. He had been too brash in his actions. He deeply regretted his haste now. If the children ever recovered from this, he swore to himself, he would value their safety over anything- even his 'reputation.'

They got into Olamide's private ward. He lay there unconscious, heavily bandaged at several places. He had a drip inserted on his right arm. Remorse faded into frustration and then anger. All the evils that have happened lately, to his family was tied to one name; Tosin Adedeji. He would repay him in kind, only in greater magnitude. He heaved a deep sigh, blowing air forcefully through his nose.

'I've got to go doc, I have to be at the police station to file a report and handle some matters. Thank you for all you're doing.'

'It's nothing deacon, it's nothing.'

At Chimezie's house. Thursday 4:18pm.

Three people sat inside the room, it was the quintessential bachelor's apartment; Chimezie, SWAT-P's President and church youth leader, Daniel, Tosin's neighbor and Uche. Daniel had come to inform Chimezie, in hopes, they would do something to help Tosin.

As Daniel finished speaking, both men remained silent for a while. Chimezie was in deep thought. The furrowing of his upper head made that clear.

'So you mean Tosin is in cell now?'

'I carry water for mouth when I been dey explain am to you before? The guy is locked up as we speak!' Daniel retorted, transiting from pidgin to English. He was getting impatient with the lackadaisity the guys showed.

Chimezie got up and paced the floor, squeezing his hands as he did. Uche sat up on the chair.

'Wait, so the girl is pregnant, like pregnant?...did they have sex?' He asked.

'No, they didn't, the pregnancy came from a lottery win!' Daniel replied sarcastically.

He didn't like Uche very much, it seemed he was just interested in hearing details of the gist. He was relentless.

'Is the girl a member of his church? Is she ugly or...'

'Uche!' Chimezie called out with obvious incredulity.

'What? I'm just asking to know details.' Uche shot back, lapsing into his seat.

'I knew it! You're a BNN operative: you sound just like you should.' Daniel put in.

'Me BNN? What's that?'

'Brethren Network News: that's the network of all those in churches all around, who specialize in spreading all the bad news and scandals!'

Chimezie wasn't listening much to what Daniel and Uche were saying. He had a hard decision to make. Tosin was his very good friend, but he couldn't associate with him now, lest others reason he was in the same league: fake ministers- hypocrites!

'Chimezie! What are you saying? I'm set to leave.' Dan cut in.

Chimezie put his hand in his pocket to get his handkerchief.

'See, I'll go get some money to aid you in any movement for now, I can't be involved beyond that but...I'll be praying also.' Chimezie said, wiping his face nervously.

'What?! You can't be involved?' Daniel picked up his bag from the center table. 'I can't believe, you're the same Chimezie that Tosin is always Bragging about; so much for 'the Christian brotherhood'...Judas! Fair weather friends!'

Daniel was quick tempered. He flung his bag across his shoulder and walked out, leaving Chimezie's door open, on purpose. Uche and Chimezie sat still. Daniel wasn't a born again, but he was standing up for Tosin, he had spoken some truths, no one spoke after he left.


Inside one of the cells at Olu-Obaseki Police station. Saturday night (11:52pm).

'Way-dat choir master? Camman! Standa come voice small for us...' Tigaro, coughed as he puffed out smoke of his cigarette through his nostrils. He was one of the hench men in that cell. But he wasn't the 'point-one.'

Tosin just sat there with a blank expression on his face looking at Tigaro. Tigaro loved to throw his weight around and since the other inmates heard Tosin singing and praying the second night he stayed there, he always seemed to be looking for a means to pick a fight with him. Now, it appeared like he had found the precious opportunity to pound him to pulp.

Tigaro stood up and walked menacingly towards Tosin, folding his sleeves. He was tall and lanky with caramel coloured teeth, consequent on his chain smoking.

'Make I reboot your brain with two hot slaps so if I dey talk to you, you go dey process my yarns sharp-sharp!'

Tosin scrambled up to his feet, half standing, half squatting. With heightened sense, he awaited the onslaught of his coming assailant. He knew he would eventually get beaten but he was bent on blocking some of the pummeling.

The cell wasn't too lightened, it was mildly dark, as some light shone in from the corridor and the other prisoners were hollering and cheering anticipating the brawl.

'If you touch that guy eh, I swear to God who made me, you go chop your own shit!' A calm voice growled from a corner of the cell, stopping Tigaro in his path.

The hollering died down, everyone turned to the direction of the voice.

'Athink una don see pattern?' Tigaro lamented. 'Micah, dey always fine my mouth. Next thing e be say kasala don burst for dis community shey? One day sha, jungle go mature and we go know how far.'

Tosin was relieved.

The threat had refrained Tigaro from hitting Tosin for fear of Micah. Whereas Tigaro was tall and lanky, Micah was short and bulky. He was the most respected in the cell, his bulky arms and legs were an undeniable testament to the strength stored in the man and his age. Unlike other inmates, Micah wasn't a bully, age had tempered his rough disposition which mainly came to fore if provoked.

Tigaro kept complaining to inmates who cared to listen, he didn't want to keep quiet immediately to avoid making it look like he was too afraid of Micah.

'Tigaro, make e no be like say I wan fall ya hand,' Micah spoke up again, 'all of us here dey like when boy-joy dey sing, but you for use church mind ask am to sing no be by force...'

'You dey make brains!' Someone put in.

'Oya, boy-joy, tomorrow na Sunday, you fit help us pipe church flows? Make we sef follow thank baba God-ay! As in arrange church on top kalakuta?'

Tosin was relieved. He detested the name they called him, 'boy-joy', but he loved the implications. He somehow had begun to learn the meaning of true joy- which is beyond happiness; the quality of his human spirit independent of situations. His faith had grown some, in the past few days. Besides, leading the inmates in worship could be an opportunity to witness to them.

'Yes, I will...I go fit' he quickly corrected his good English to align.

'Case dismiss...oya everybody crash, the night sef don mature.' Micah concluded.

Council Room of Holiness First Assembly. Monday evening. 3:58pm.

A large oval table was placed longitudinally across the length of the spacious mini hall. Seats were arranged around the edge of the table with one at the oblong edge for Reverend Moffat. Deacons and elders of the church sat in council. The meeting had just started with prayers and they were getting set to deliberate on Deacon Cooker's fallout with Bishop Hanson's guest two Sundays ago.

Deacon Cooker brought out his vibrating phone to see who was calling. The caller ID read, 'Doc', momentarily, fear flashed through him: were his children okay? He hesitated to pick the call. Doyin had regained consciousness sometime last week but Olamide, though reported as being stable was yet to regain consciousness. Doyin hadn't yet spoken to him- she was understandably still mad at him. He had apologized gruffly. Admitting his wrongs and saying 'I am sorry' wasn't his thing, much less to a child- his own child!

'Reverend, men and brethren here present, kindly permit me to take this call- it's the doctor handling my children.'

'Deacon Cooker, we are all busy men here, we've moved this meeting from last Friday to today, just to accommodate you...'

'Just this one call brethren...please, forgive me.' He stated with no hint of plea in his tone.

'Make it quick and hope you're prepared with explanations and cogent proofs for your unbecoming behaviour that fateful Sunday...'

'My proofs are as sure as your salvation.' He replied, with a sinister smile on his face. He walked out of the hall into the long passage to take the call. He had in mind to totally discredit Tosin before the council, attempted murderer and rapist. The altar of God was to be rid of all such bad eggs and hypocrites!

'Hello doc, what's the problem?'

'Problem? Hahahaha, deacon, there's really no problem...not technically, but a mix up.'

'Mix-what?' He asked pressing his phone to the ear in anxiety.

'A mix up deacon.' No reply came so doctor Odili continued. 'It's both good and bad news with apology. The lab attendant who carried out Doyin's test, did a mix up, she is NOT pregnant! Recent tests have confirmed this.'

'What!' Deacon's eyes widened.

'My apologies for this grave error sir, but Doyin is not pregnant! We gave her another lady's test results. Even Olamide just began to move his...hello? Hello deacon? Hello?'

The line had gone dead.


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