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JERUSALEM CHRONICLES (Part 3): 'Hades, Ambushed!'

They pierced a spear into his ribs side through to his heart puncturing it, blood and water gushed out. Yet his head just hung in the same lifeless manner: no response. The carpenter-rabbi, truely, was dead.

There was silence in heaven, no angel's harp strung a melody nor was any song heard. They had sung in joy, from the skies to those shepherds, at his birth:

'the Soter of the Kosmos is born to you this day, in David's city; Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace and goodwill towards men!'

They didn't imagine this horrible death in the plan, a loss so monumental. They'd never seen God loose before until now...or so they thought.

Even the angels found it hard to understand why God didn't save him from dying.


His family members and relations looked on, upon the hanging corpse of Yeshua, their son, brother cousin and nephew. 'If only he had focused on the family business, which was beginning to really do well, settled down with one of the many fine Jewish girls around Nazareth he probably would have lived longer. Now, at just thirty-three years, his life had been cut short. So tragic. They brought down his body from the cross and wrapped it up. The undertakers had come to move his corpse to tomb site.


Now, you must understand there's an overlap between the spirit world and the physical, such that different activities can occur at the same spot but on different realms.

At the same spot of the crucifixion, but on another realm of existence, the spirits of three men; two thieves and the rabbi Yeshua, step out of their corpses and into the other side of eternity. The human spirit of the man whom they called Yeshua of Nazareth, was immediately surrounded and bound by the awaiting DBI (Demons Bureau of Investigation) spirit agents. He looked very different- it was an inexplicable but glaring dark difference in his marred countenance: the one who knew no sin had borne our sins and had become sin, himself (2 Cor. 5:21)

Every soul that sinned was, by supreme law of the Creator, supposed to suffer the sentence of spiritual death but the man was now to taste hell for all of humanity.

The mirthless laughter and howlings that accompanied the team of high ranking spirits that bound him and dragged him down into HellQuarters, at the heart of Hell itself, where Lucifer awaited his bounty.

The whole underworld stood still. The souls of righteous dead men like David, Abraham, Noah, Ruth, Isaac, Daniel, Deborah, etc had NOT gone into heaven yet (John 3:13). They could not because 'The Way' had not yet been opened. They watched, horrified at the spectacle, from their side of Hades, the world of the dead. [It was separated from the suffering side by an impassable gulf (Luke 16:26)]. Yeshua is crushed in his soul: 'it's God's will to crush him and make him suffer: making his life an appeasement for sinners.' (Isaiah 53:10)

Back up, in the realm of mortal men, his band of disillusioned followers are scattered and hiding all over Jerusalem for fear of being lynched. They're in shock and deep mourning. Yeshua had come to mean more than just a teacher to them. They had, at the back of their minds, thoughts about how each man would go back to his business and pick up his life to start all over. They all had abandoned businesses and jobs to follow him, anchoring all their expectations on him. He seemed too strong, wise and powerful to have died the way he did; too early and too young.

A most unfortunate end to the most incredible man they had met. He did so many amazing things that they had just begun to nurse the notion that maybe he was more than just a man or a prophet. But his death and the well secured tomb of Joseph, the Arimathean politician had quenched that thought: he was a gifted man, but just a man after all.

In heaven. All is calm and serene. As hell rejoiced, it was unaware of the mysteries of God that was being worked out: redemption phase two is being consummated. Angels look on. With every agony of Yeshua's soul in the pit, the just requirements of God, in remitting for mankind's errors, is being met and fully paid for: he was mankind's substitute. The cup of God's wrath; which he had prayed for, in the garden, to Pass over him, was now poured on him. All of God's wrath against wicked mankind is unleashed on him.

'Tick-tock. Tick-tock!' With each agony of the substitute, their sins are paid for, in full.

'Tick-tock. Tick-tock!' With each agony of the substitute, their sicknesses and diseases are paid for, in full.

'Tick-tock. Tick-tock!' With each agony of the substitute, their poverty and oppression is paid for.

The alarm went off in heaven. The sacrifice is enough. The price had been paid in full. The wrath is passed and grace is made available to men.

<Enter Deux Ex machina>


With great speed as of a lightening bolt from heaven, the Holy Ghost, who had left Yeshua at the cross when he was made sin, descended right into the horrid, nether regions of hell itself. There's a mighty quake in hell, all the millions of wicked demon spirits that surrounded Yeshua in the pit, were thrown aback by the power of the Most High.

Then like as at the Genesis of creation, the Spirit hovers over and overshadows Yeshua in glory completely, covering him from the view of the powers of hell.

Then, the voice of God the Father, thundered from heaven:

'Thou art my son, today have I given birth to you!' (Acts 13:33)

The Holy Spirit working and the word of God spoken; regeneration of the man is effected.

Jesus is born again, out of death, the prototype of a new race and class of man: the new creation man. He is therefore declared the 'first born among many brothers.' (Romans 8:29)

Then the glory covering him clears, the hordes of hell are shocked to see a different Yeshua, a glorified Yeshua standing in the center of hell.

Suddenly, all heavens break loose on hell: it's a one man army. Like never seen before, the new Yeshua reaches out and begins to knock out the powers that had been. In a heart-pounding, fast-paced action, with up-and-close slow motion power moves in 3D, Yeshua strips Satan and the host of hell of their powers. Utterly paralyzing them forever. (Colossians 2:15)

'Oh noooo!' Screamed the queen of the coast, another fowl spirit present at the conquest, 'It's a trap! His death and everything is a setup for him to come down here get us!'

The darkness of hell is swallowed up, temporarily, in resplendent light emanating from the glory of Yeshua, who walked up to the totally defeated Lucifer and took the 'keys of death and hell.' (Hebrews 2:14)

In hell, being justified by the Holy Ghost, the Lamb of God becomes the Lion of Judah- triumphant and invincible!

The voice of God the Father thundered again, throughout the whole universe, reverberating to hell and shaking it to it's foundations and enacts a new supreme law:

'At the name of Yeshua, every knee should bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord!'

The righteous dead look on from the other side, totally amazed. They are unable to cross over to the other side or escape Hades though.

Standing, on this opposite side of the threshold of the world of the dead, surrounded by heaps of piled up fallen demons on every side, the victorious Lord looks across the impassable gulf to the saints in waiting, a great cloud of witnesses. The time of their captivity was fulfilled, the way into the heavens had been opened by he who is the 'The Way, The Truth and The Life': Yeshua the Messiah! Just like he had said to Peter, the inquisitive apostle, with arms stretched authoritatively towards them, he bids them.


And there's a mass exodus of old testament saints, walking on air, over and across the impassable gulf out of the underworld -captivity is led captive. He gloriously ascends out of hell, leading out these saints. Hell is stunned, the head of Lucifer is forever bruised. That was not a lucky escape- it was an undisputed and irreversible triumphant exit!

Up in Jerusalem, several graves burst open and some of the freed saints make appearances all over Jerusalem city (Matthew 27:52-53).


It's the early hours of Sunday morning. Three devoted but heart broken women make their way to the garden tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, to pay their final respects to their remarkable rabbi, Yeshua. They had come prepared with spices to anoint his corpse in accordance with traditions. He had been killed in the most horrible and unjust way; their hearts still bled and their eyes were blurred from ceaseless tears of the past days.

They arrive to find the gigantic stone over the entrance rolled away and there were no Roman soldiers on guard as had been told to expect. Alarmed, the women rush inside. They find it empty except for the neatly folded burial sheet, placed at the spot where the head of the corpse should have been. A young man dressed in white suddenly stood beside them. His message was incredulous but they desperately wanted it to be true.

'...He's not here, he's alive!'

They didn't really think it through before acting, they just ran off and shared the news with his sulking disciples. The news did little than to create more mystery surrounding the man they once called rabbi: enigmatic in life and in death.

'His body was missing- known fact! But saying he's alive? That is an overstatement of the truth manufactured by some grief stricken women in their group- psychological denial to coping with traumatic experiences.' Nicely explained.

Thus they reasoned among themselves till one day, "BAM!" The man himself, Yeshua of Nazareth, stands in their midst.

'All hail!' He announces. They reach out and touch him, flesh and bones- he's not imaginary, they're ecstatic, relieved and awed! These secret appearances to the disciples occurred severally. Fifty days after the crucifixion, on Pentecost day, the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Their lives are forever altered.


'I knew we should have killed those twelve apostle guys too! Now look at the whole mess we have in our hands..more people casting us out and curing diseases everywhere just like Him!' One demon yelled in the meeting.

Hell and it's hordes were still reeling from the effects of the eternal defeat. The council had called for another damage control meeting at HellQuarters. It was aptly themed: 'THE WAY FORWARD: COPING WITH ETERNAL DEFEAT- THE PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES.' If they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. The results of the crucifixion were cataclysmic and far reaching; even the most tricky spirit entities could not have anticipated how God had planned it.

Formerly, they had just one man to watch out for, Yeshua. But now, by his death, he had multiplied himself innumerably. Mankind had been made legally free. The new agenda of the evil council was to keep men in the dark as to this truth.

That onslaught of hell has raged on all throughout history till today. In fact, you are a part of this unfolding eternal saga. It's called the 'good fight of faith.'

If you're ready, press "PLAY."


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