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It was no ordinary mission, the plan to assassinate Yeshua had been carefully thought out and revised severally to prove it for loopholes.

The idea of killing the 'stubborn' carpenter-rabbi, sounded ridiculous on many counts to the demons; the same man had by his word pulled human spirits at several times out of the world of the dead. Famous and most recent of such stunt was one Lazarus, who had been dead for about four days- the carpenter just called him out of hades- no hassle, no much talk! How could they kill such a man who freed others from death? But they had to try.

'What about those twelve, jobless and brainwashed men that follow him about everywhere?' The spirit that was speaking had a large head resembling that of a bear, he was the field director of the operation. 'Is the council considering placing a bounty on their heads? Should they be killed too alongside their master?'

"Who? Those twelve men who like the fancy name 'twelve apostles?' No. They are not a threat in anyway. Clueless bunch! They only major in asking the carpenter a lot of silly questions and arguing about who's the greatest amongst them!' Lucifer shrugged.

The council decided that killing the twelve apostles would be a needless waste of resources. Thus the team deployed to carry out the mission were to ignore them.

It was the week of one of the three festivals the Jews celebrated annually -the Passover. Jerusalem, the city where the major celebrations held was already agog with humans -and special agents wicked spirits, that had arrived to INSTIGATE the assasination.

The DBI (Demons Bureau of Investigation) had sent in an elite squad made up of the most ruthless, cunning and influential demon spirits. The spirits needed humans that they could influence to carry out the killing. Their main agents were men of the highest Jewish social and religious caste; Sadducees, Pharisees and men of the priesthood. The biggest encouragement at the start of executing the plan came when one of Yeshua's disciples defected and joined the conspiracy. The spirit of greed was promoted for influencing him and bettering the prospects of killing the impossible guy: things had just gotten a little brighter.

'Why not just inflict him with sickness and kill him instead of all this elaborate and impossible planning and strategies?' Another spirit, the spirit of stupidity, had asked back at the council meeting at HellQuarters.

Eye witness accounts from spirits that based their operations in the territory and specialized in inflicting people with diseases, confirmed that the carpenter's body exhibited impermeable sterility and immunity. Killer diseases were killed on contact with his body! They figured the special immunity was a function of something they had heard the carpenter mention frequently in his teachings to the people; a special kind of life-force, the zoé. Thus abandoning the possibility of death by sickness or disease, the Pharisee and leaders of organized religion of the day were the best bet to use against the man. These category had some political power and were already envious of the carpenter. So the spirits set to work, moving these men against Yeshua.

They gave it a try. Incredibly, it worked! With less hassle and force than they had anticipated to use, they were able to capture him. They had been led to a garden on that night and found him with his awkward eleven followers. Actually it was a paradoxical situation: at the moment of his supposed weakness and arrest, they could tell he was latent with that zoé stuff, whatever he had been doing in the garden before they arrived must have stirred so much power to the fore. He could have easily resisted them but strangely he did not. At a point, things seemed to fail, like the plan would go wrong. The mob that had been arranged to arrest him arrived; temple cops, vigilante area boys and representatives of the chief priest, armed torches, swords and clubs. The invisible demons at the scene watched with great anxiety as their human puppets moved in for the catch, approaching the small band of men in dark garden.

'Who are you looking for?' One amongst the surrounded men stepped forward and asked.

'Yeshua. Yeshua from Nazareth!' Came the reply as they tried to study the face of the one asking with the fire torches.

'I am he!' Came the unfazed reply. It was him- Public enemy number one.

The whole bunch of seen and unseen forces that had come to apprehend him were literally thrown back and thrown to the floor when he spoke his reply (John 18:6). They didn't know what hit them. That was a good opportunity to escape but again, he didn't escape, he did nothing. The carpenter-rabbi just stood there till they recollected themselves and got up and gripped him.

'Phew! That was close.' the demon with the large bear head remarked to the bitter spirit standing beside him, as they watched the puny humans bind Yeshua, hands and feet, leading him away like a mute sheep being led to the slaughter.

Lucifer and his G7 officers watched the operations from the strategy room of HellQuarters on a large flat screen HD device, with great anxiety. The boys weren't smiling; their kingdom and unchallenged authority over mankind all these years was at stake. The G7 officials were the top seven demon princes or principalities overseeing the seven continents of the kosmos. Among them was the spirit Prince of Persia, who ruled over what we now call Europe.

Every moment of the capture had to be maximized in expediting the ultimate goal: eliminating the threat called Yeshua. Spirits of rage and violence went to work immediately, through the angry temple cops. Without yet a conviction for any crime, he was beaten and tortured. Several mock trials were held at odd hours of that night at Caiaphas' house, the high priest. False and uncorroborated witnesses and testimonies were presented.

Fast forward past all the politricks, that played out at Governor Pilate's palace and king Herod's chambers, Yeshua was sentenced to death. The execution means was by crucifixion- the execution means reserved for the worst of the hardened criminals. After much scourging with whips, bruised and battered, his face swollen and unrecognizable, he was made to carry a cross for his own execution all the way to notorious Golgotha -where gory executions were usually carried out. For the first time ever, the carpenter looked pitiful, grappling with all the energy he could muster to carry his cross. For one moment one could have imagined he loved the cross for the strained enthusiasm with which he picked up the cross each time he fell under it's weight, wearied from pain and exhaustion.

Then came the most critical stage, his actual crucifixion. His death. Once the carpenter died, their victory over him would be assured. They wouldn't need the help of humans again. Lucifer had authority over death; no flesh could bypass his authority once dead. So far just one guy had escaped: Moses, arch angel Michael had to come help him escape when he died (Jude 1:9) Enoch and Elijah didn't die, they were carried away through 'apian way', escaping death altogether. The critical problem the team then faced was that the Roman crucifixion, though extremely painful, was a slow way to die- they didn't have much time. A crucified criminal generally took about two (2) to three (3) days before dieing. The cause of death resulting from loss of blood through nail puncture points, dehydration, trauma from incredible pain and organ damage- leading to unconsciousness and eventually death. All fingers at the strategy room of HellQuarters were crossed, as they watched while he hung on the cross in between two robbers, hoping he doesn't gain strength and decide to jump down from the cross or do something crazy. The carpenter had a reputation for being unpredictable, just like the wind.

As they watched, he seemed to move a bit as he hung on the cross then he looked up towards the heavens. He was saying some words, they could tell by the movement of his bleeding, swollen lips. They couldn't hear it all as he spoke with little strength and great difficult but it ended with something that sounded like:

' is finished!'

Then his head dropped lifelessly. Yeshua had been killed.

It was disappointingly relieving when instead of the two or three day anxious wait, he died just six hours after crucifixion. It was a record time for dieing by crucifixion. The other two robbers had to be helped and put out of their misery by breaking their legs, because then the victims could not put any weight on their legs, making breathing difficult and hastening their deaths.

Mission accomplished. The red devils jumped in excitement, they had won the tournament -or so they thought.


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