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"Then i look and saw a multitude beyond number, all dressed in white, reading the questions of my heart, the angel that spoke with me said 

'These are they which have been bought from every tribe and tongue from the earth, they are the bride of the Christ' 

As i looked across the vast sea of the glorious people one thing became obvious-these were really one people-the were no sects, denominations or factions; just one people-the saints of God."*** 

Have you ever met folks who seem to think that only the members of their church will go to heaven or that ONLY their denomination is recognised by God as authentic with heaven's NAFDAC number? Some may not say this outrightly, but their attitude and actions does say so loudly. While others say so straight up to your face (with the "go-and-hug-transformer-if-you-don't-agree-with-us" attitude). 

Some of these 'only-us' folks carry around a persecution complex; like their denomination is being persecuted for being the 'few' that found the 'narrow path' to heaven. Then there is another set that walks about with a superiority complex amongst other believers; theirs is the kingdom, the power and the revelations-heaven might as well put their church logo at the entrance gate to paradise. 

What does God think about such attitude? Is their a particular church that he would have us all attend? 

No need to speculate, his character, will and person is revealed in the bible. 

Romans 1:18 says the character and qualities of the Invisible God can be seen in nature, so a look at creatION can give us some insight into what the creatOR is like. Their is NO monotony in nature-we don't have one kind of fish but divers fishes, flowers, colours, birds, insects, etc. God is so amazing; he engineers diversity to culminate in such ornately marvellous unity that confounds every infidel theory opposed to creationism. 

Why would the creator do differently in his most sublime creation-the church; the body of Christ. About this 'body' we are told: "...the body is NOT made up of one part but many"(1 Corinthians 12:14) 

God in his wisdom, planned it to be this way. One reason i can see for this diversity is for the sake of reaching the lost. Are you aware that no matter how anointed a minister or ministry is, it CAN'T reach or help EVERYBODY for several reasons. For instance, your 'tushed-up' and intercontinental standard ministry might operate at a plane beyond the scope of an illiterate old woman in some remote village farm. 

Even the Lord Jesus; the Christ himself, didn't even get his brothers to believe enough to join his anointed ministry until after his mind boggling resurrection. 

Jesus and John the baptist were both sent by God yet with grossly different ministry styles and method (One came fasting, they said he had a demon and the other came eating and drinking and they called him a sinner!) God understands the human psyche-he made man and is aware that they will have to be reached through several ways. 

Then, there's Peter, who no doubt could preach to gentiles and Paul who sure did minister to Jews yet scriptures say of them; '...they saw that i (Paul) had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the gentiles, just as Peter had been to the jews' (Gal. 2:7) This showed that these great apostles, however anointed, had primary people groups or categories wherein the grace given them functioned to produce maximum results. Some people may never believe the gospel if it's you God sent their way. Did you ever read of the lame man at the beautiful gate, he probably encountered Jesus at Solomon's colonade during Jesus' 3 years of ministry; we were toldd he sat there DAILY, yet the the lord used Peter and John instead. 

Though my next statement doesn't carry the authority of canonical scriptures, i dare say like Paul; ' is true and worthy of all acceptance;' 

There is no one church where God wants everybody to attend-NONE! 

This does not detract from the importance of faithfulness and accountability to a local assembly under the guidiance of a pastor. Changing church like underwear is not just condemnable-it does not aid in the spiritual growth of the individual- you end up more confused. 

We ought not to be closed minded in this matter. I have been at several places where i least expected God to manifest and ended up, pleasantly suprised by the undeniable presence in such places. 

Should believers and churches be fighting each other, stealing each other's committed members? I thougt the same person sent us? I thought we had one enemy (the devil), one assignment and great commission (saving the lost)? Of course i know that not every group calling itself 'christian' is true and trustworthy. I also know that the disparity between christian denominations and sects in doctrines and practice is growing ever so wide that some sects are beginning to appear almost like another religion altogether. But the caution in avoiding false brethren should tempered with wisdom from the Spirit and word of God. 

We may not agree on everything; in every tiny detail in the scriptures and our interpretation of them and dogma but as long as we are bound in peace by the seven (7) element of Unity shown in Ephesians 4:4-6: 
1. One body (of Christ) 
2. One Spirit 
3. One Hope 
4. One Lord 
5. One Faith 
6. One Baptism 
7. One God and Father 
We ought to endeavour to walk together to the lord's glory and salvation of the souls of men. 

Quit scheming to move committed members of other bible believing church to your particular denomination-they may not know as much revelation as you have come to know but let them be-DON'T HELP GOD;he saw them entering that church! Besides, if you are sensitive enough to the spirit, you will be flexible to know the flow of the Spirit and fall in line behind his leadings; sometimes, he may want to move an individual to another denomination because they might grow better there, at other times he might just want them right there-where they are. 

Are you not aware that some people move to a good church and for some reason can't stand the training there and they backslide-not the church' fault but this shows it's better for a fellow to be in a christian assembly with you consider 'low grade revelation' than to be lost in the world and eventually for eternity. 

I say this because the power or should i say benefit of most revelation we recieve in Christ on this side of eternity is that they change a person mindset and raise the quality of their life and christian service here on earth, something the Apostle Paul calls '...the FULL RICHES OF COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING' (Colossians 2:2) They might miss enjoying the 'higher life' in this short and transient life but they still get to make heaven and there they will know in full, besides even your abundance of revelation, the Apostle Paul by the Spirit says it's part knowledge (we know in part). 

That aside, if you are observant, you would have noticed that the wave of God's Spirit in revelation and power is sweeping across sects and denominations such that even our Orthodox brothers are heating up-this spiritual resonance was foretold by inference to us when scriptures says '...till we all come to unity in the faith'. 

We may never have unity of belief until Christ comes but soon we all will vibrate to the same frequency; not necessarily the frequency of my church or yours but the frequency of Heaven awaiting the spotless bride of the Lamb of God. 

''Say not that this is impossible; yea, with men, this is impossible but with God nothing shall be impossible! The Spirit and the zeal of God shall accomplish it for it is written in the word of Him that worketh all things in conformity with his eternal purpose and will. The hour is upon you; arise and receive light for strength shall come to the weak and even the feeble amongst your ranks shall be counted as mighty among them that are without for the Spirit takes a hold of your hands to wrought signs and wonders and your lips shall utter the mysteries of God in Christ to the marvel of men, principalities, powers and angels unto the praise and honour of the eternal king. Hell trembles, heaven rejoices- these are the people of the Lord of Host!" 

Let every man walk the path set for him by the Master, He is the judge and will reward every man for his labour. May God bless his people and his work in their hands causing it to prosper and increase our understanding of Him that called us, the hope of our calling, his glorious inheritance in us and that great power available to us. Amen. 

God bless and strengthen all his people and ecumenical groups that have endeavored to co-habit divers christian denominations in the spirit of love and ecumenism. 

*** Please not that the introductory vision is fictitious.


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