If you have a brother or sister, someone, who you FEEL is missing it; where 'missing it' can range from doing wrong stuff to simply omitting some better approach, what should you do?
Is the person someone whom you have some oversight on or a degree of relational proximity to that premises the attempted correction (e.g a member you're serving over, a mentee, a close friend)? Maybe you could reach out to them and talk about things and instruct them, if necessary.
Is the person a mere acquaintance or someone over whom you may not have such speaking access to or influence over?
Or is it such a situation that even when you do have some access to the person, you may not be the best person to discuss the matter with them?
What do you do?
Pray for them earnestly. They keep coming to your mind every now and then, ba? How they could be better or achieve more if they just did XYZ or stopped doing JKL, or just became a little MNO...? Yes, pray for them.
Pray the Pauline prayers for THEM (for enlightenment and their perception of knowledge).
Also, pray that people (labourers) whom may reach and penetrate them better than you, be sent their way.
You know sometimes, for mundane human reasons as age, status, background preferences, etc, some people will never listen to something just because it's you, saying that something (remember Jesus' half brothers who never believed him until after the resurrection, John 7:1-5).
These kinds of prayers will do much good than just 'pitying their foolishness' and waiting with that demonic excitement for them to fail or meet some mishap so you can say, 'I said it or I knew it!'
Prayer is good for all such occasions because that we FEEL that someone is missing it—is just a FEELING: it could be an inaccurate feeling at that or a correct observation (John the Baptist once felt Jesus was missing it too).
But when we pray for people, whether they're truly missing it or not, it's a good deposit, the energy generated in prayers will work intelligently: if they're missing it, it will help them, if they're not missing it, it will still help them.
I have people like that I pray for, after this manner. If you feel I am missing it, I beseech you, pray for me—your prayers are effective!
The subs achieve very little more than stirring bitterness and make unnecessary enemies!
This feels like a sub. Maybe it is!
Originally posted September 6, 2016 on Facebook.
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