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If your experience is anything like mine, you get two to three invitations to like pages and join groups, every other day.

Again, if your tendency is anything like mine, you like to check notifications and clear out the red indicator on the app when you have time.

So how do you respond to invitations to like pages from friends? Some you know both offline & online, others you don't.

If you invite me to like a page. Here's what usually happens.

1. If I'm not interested in what the page is about, I won't like the page (put cosmetics & make up pages, sports betting, your version of akpos joke page, your house fellowship page, etc here). I won't LIKE what I don't like and probably won't need.

*It may be useful to invite people who may share the value of the page, if it's not a general use item. That first base of genuine likers can help find the others.

2. If its a personal page about you different from your account, with maybe your nickname, I won't like it. When your normal account isn't giving any substantially significant value in any areas of interest why should people add a page.

*Maximize your account first. Some people have tens of thousands of followers here on their account without a page. If it's not absolutely necessary don't create a page—it takes work to maintain pages. Just go back see how many pages on your liked list are dormant.

3. If inviting me to like a page is the first thing you do after we "become" Facebook friends and I don't know you off the internet. No, I won't like the page. It's feels too rushed and almost 'scammy'.

*The courtesy of saying hi and hello after adding people as online connections or friends isn't a bad convention. It can be useful in situations like this, it may not make someone accept the invitation to like a page but it can make the experience of receiving the invite less abrupt.

4. If it's a newly created page without adequate description of its offer or value, I won't like it. Many people start pages once a new idea comes and post for 2 months then stop till the end of the age. Liking pages that will become dormant in less than 6 months is adding unnecessary electronic kilogram to destiny.

*If separating your personals from what you do is the reason for creating a page, do well to create a sizeable amount of content in the direction of what the page is about before beginning bulk invitations. Empty, newly created page+bulk invites almost always fails.

There are many more reasons why invitations fail but this four come readily at this time.

Here's the important thing about this post; that I have listed out reasons I don't respond to invitations to like a page is significant in what it points to. It's not altogether about me and my likes.

This is because some of my reasons are actually the same reasons other people have for not liking your page too.

Some 9 years ago when I created a page to fight one not-so-important cause (regrettably so); I learnt that people who like you don't necessarily have to like your page.

What would you prefer?

People responding with Likes just so you don't consider them haters for not 'supporting' you. Then later they never engage the page.


People liking the page who genuinely need the service or are interested in the community goals or value with increased chances of reasonable future engagement...

If that page is important to your goals, you may want to put in a bit more effort in the HOW and WHO of your page invitations.

It would be interesting to hear your side, how do you respond to invitations to like pages? Do you ignore all? What inspired your decision on page to like?

Have a productive week ahead!

Originally written on March 21, 2022 on Facebook


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