Here are two things that you may find to be true in this life and probably helpful. First, as surely as you live on this planet, there are some natural human tendencies that you must consciously bridle. Some of them are not necessarily evil but watching out for them and exercising restraint over them will help you live a happier and more productive life. One good example, is moderating your feelings towards those who leave your church, fellowship or group—whatever it is. It's not uncommon to feel a pinch of hurt or betrayal when someone leaves—even if you are not the leader of the group they left—it can feel hurtful. These facts may help you: If someone left your group, it may not mean they've missed God's plan for their lives. Now, there are times when people are supposed to stay connected to certain other people and ministries in a lifelong sense; I'm not talking about that kind of case here. People who leave your church don't have to become your enemy overnight....
Hello, I am David Nwajiuba and this is my blog, where i share my thoughts on random issues, write shorts memoirs, I sometimes do fictitional stories. I'm evolving and so is this blog.