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Friday Recommendation Freebie!

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

Hey there!

Welcome to my thought dump-- some call it blog! Rather than cloud the Facebook post with too many links, I have decided to use this blog post as landing space for other offers you can get from the Author.

First there is a 4 and a half page short story, that I think you'd thoroughly enjoy. Click here. Don't forget to drop a feedback on Facebook after reading. It's a 12 minutes read, max, that is, if you're a lazy reader like me.

To get today's book, The Blood Moons: Wrath of Elijah, click here. It costs $1.99 that is about N730 to get the e-copy. If you're old school and love paperbacks, no problem, for $8.25 (approximately N3,000), you can purchase it. If you're like me, e-book is fast to get and enough!

I know you're here mainly for the freebie but just in case you want to check out other equally riveting works by the same author, see links below.

1. Mewranters: Attack of the sea monster. (238 pages; February 2019, Morgan James Fiction)

2. The Great Hunt. (257 pages; November, 2015)

3. The Uprising (92 pages; August 2016)

4. Biohazard: a dark Christmas (70 pages, December 2014)

5. Biohazard: a trial by fire. (82 pages, June 2015)

6. Witch Hunter: To hunt a level four. (64 pages, April 2015)

7. The Vigilante: Curse of the Sword (169 pages; August 2014, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform)

8. The Great Meld. (41 pages, February 2014)

For some of the book offers above, you can read up on the reviews and the blurb. Thanks for stopping by-- watch out for the cobwebs on your way out!


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