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Showing posts from July, 2017

Alleged Scriptural Contradictions: A case for the merit of rigorous and systematic explanation of Scriptures.

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and SLAY THEM before me." Jesus of Nazareth. Did Jesus by that statement allude to his support for the Christian Military crusades in the middle ages? If you are wondering if that's in your Bible, you should check Luke 19:27, without even going back to ascertain who said it, you can tell, it's in red, showing that it's spoken by the Christ (Bible publishers convention). I came across a video where a Muslim cleric threw a Christian Bishop off balance in a discussion, asserting that Jesus supported the Jihad, using the above scripture. At first, the bishop scorned the Muslim Cleric, that those words were not in the Bible when the cleric recited them. Then, when the man quoted the citation and the Bishop opened his Bible and saw it, all he could do was laugh nervously and mumble some incoherent phrases. The Muslim cleric, with much glee and air of ...


(Three things before you read this post: first, his post is NOT about which of the World's many religions is correct in its assertions about life's greatest questions, technically. Secondly, please do read everything correctly before you conclude on what you think I'm saying, it's a bit long. Thirdly, you don't have to agree.) Definitions of words and concepts keep changing, at the same time, there may exist many conflicting shades of understanding of a particular concept; thus many times, the reason people fight is their different understanding of the same concept. When the matters are clearly defined, you may discover, the parties were both on the same page all along. Conversely, people may think they agree on a matter because they have not looked, a bit deeper, at the accurate understanding and accompanying implications of the concepts they hold on to and agree about. When you understand the implications of what the other fellow means, you may discover that y...